And here are his answers!
1. What does "Aldrig kommer att ge dig upp!" mean?
It's a bit "Swenglish" word order, but the meaning is "I will never give up on you!" (as in Squeez Bacon, I will never give up on you! WOW.)
2. Do Swedes eat a lot of Squeez Bacon? If so, what do you put it on?
I've never heard of that Squeeze Bacon of yours. If it actually exists I guess people here as well as over there will use it as normal Bacon.
3. Who is your favorite Swedish person?
Hmm.. Besides family, friends and so on I'd say amongst others: Leif GW Persson (a quite odd, somewhat grumpy yet in my opinion very funny criminologist), Astrid Lindgren (author, perhaps you've heard of books like Pippi Långstrump (Pippi Longstocking, The Lion Hearts Brothers and so on?), Bob Hund (band who sings in swedish with a southern ("skånsk") accent).
Bjorn proceeds to helpfully provide the following links for us ignorant Americans, although I have to say I am a big Bob Hund fan:
Our correspondence was then interrupted by the following:
Oops.. I got a bit carried away looking at Bob Hund live clips... They're one of my all time favourite bands.
4. Is there anything grosser than Squeez Bacon?
I can think of many things that are grosser than Squeeze Bacon, but it's something I'd think twise before trying even if it came in a veggie version. True story: One night about two years ago, I dreamed about vegetarian "Pytt i panna" (a mix of meat, potatoes, vegetables that I never ever think I'd heard of before). When I woke up that morning laughing a little bit from the dream that was quite strange over all, I thought, well there are a lot of veggie substitutes (soja sausage etc) out there, but why hasn't anyone thought of making veg pytt i panna, since it's a traditional and customary dish...? That might be a good "invention" and business concept, I thought. Later that afternoon on my way home from uni a friend and I stopped by at a supermarket, and guess if I was surprised when I found just vegetarian pytt i panna... I can almost swear that i previous to that day had never ever heard of that product. Pretty weird coincidence...
5. What does "Jatte gott" mean?
Jättegott means delicious
Well, there you have it. Squeez Bacon, I can't decide if I will ever give up on you, even if you are Jättegott.
beyond the magnificentiousness that seems to be... squeeze bacon... can i just tell you that their word for southern has just made my day. "skånsk" HAW!