Friday, July 23, 2010

Desk Lunch Awesome Idea #1

Yesterday, I had an awesome desk lunch. A co-worker brought in their lovely homegrown cucumbers, which I did not eat, but took one, so that it would sit on my desk and decay for a couple of weeks under a pile of papers. I bought these delicious Cheddar Bunnies at the local food co-op to fulfil my cheddary salty snack cravings and was severely disappointed, not enough salt. I'm going back to Cheez Its. Instead of my usual afternoon Coca-Cola, I decided to NOT support the brand of soda that Stacey Campfield is using as the font for his campaign and opted for the Doctor. I topped it all off with some Pringles, which were totally salty and soo soo good with some Mayfield's French Onion Dip I found in the staff fridge. Enjoy!


  1. And Mayfield is a locally grown product! Go Liz!

  2. Cheez-its are my favorite snack. No other cheezy salty snack comes close and they always disappoint me.
